A grammatically awkward chronicle of certain goings on.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Total Eclipse of the Moon/Heart
Last night I was dreaming about someone complaining that they got into a bike accident while holding their kitten. And this was really very upsetting for them because now their kitten would never want to ride a bike again. Meanwhile, in the dream, I was very annoyed by this because I was trying to show off my guitar skills by playing a song that I don't really know. I was not doing very well impressing the crowd of all my old friends and I felt pretty sure that if this person with the kitten would cut out the annoying prattle I would be able to play majestically.
Thats when Dani woke me up to show me the moon! It was around 2:45 a.m.or so and the eclipse had just started. For the next couple of hours (or it could of been days) I was in and out of dreaming as the moon became increasingly orange and discolored by the earth's shadow.
Lucky you. We had FOG in SF!
I guess I was really lucky because I saw the whole thing from my bed in SF without fog!
I saw the whole thing from my back porch in SF in my underwear!
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